My first Superbowl was 57 in Phoenix when the Chief’s beat the Eagles. I was the audio tech mixing the Chief’s hotel press room, and the A2/record tech for the post game interviews.

Both the team hotels and post game are pretty similar, each have about a dozen booths and a main stage. Each booth has press box and a pair of speakers, all are mixed at the same time. It’s all recorded via Nuendo and immediately uploaded to the NFL. The hardest part is listening and adjusting all 12 stages at the same time, but it is a fun challenge. It is very rewarding after a long day seeing your mics show up on the local news that night.
I have done the Super Bowl 2 more times, unfortunately I might be the reason Kansas City keeps going back. Same gig as the years before, doesn’t mean it’s not as special. Something about being apart of arguably the biggest event for AV surrounded by experts in their area, with millions of eyeballs on an interview with the coach or MVP puts some extra pressure on the gig.